首頁 ﹥ 特色簡介
MoreBios Biotechnology is a fast-growing company importing, promoting, and distributing products related to cell culture, molecular biology and immunology, as well as instruments for life sciences and medical research industries. Established in 2010, our scope of business can be categorized into two main areas:
(a) Distribution of full-range molecular and cell biology instrumentations, reagents, and consumables.
(b) Consultation services on research projects and experimental techniques.
Adderss: 9F No.1095, Yucheng Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City 804723, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
服務內容: 國外產品進口,細胞培養基,分生試劑,免疫抗體,AllBio 百歐益生菌
產品配送方式:郵寄, 宅配
主要服務地區:台灣北部, 台灣中部, 台灣南部, 台灣東部, 全國地區